Thursday, January 04, 2007


Well I never did get around to posting my last weigh in for 2006 - maybe living in a state of denial but I have been chanting that my weight doesn't define me and now I am ready for the big reveal..........94.2 kgs which is a total GAIN of 14.2kgs for the year!! Now thats all I will say about that and time to move on...........

Tonight it is weigh in night and I am okay about it, I did okay not really any exercise but my food was definately better, think a lot of it has a lot to do with living in such a wonderful place and not being bored. Our house is so much bigger and just ...well better, I am so less inclined to just sit around eating and watching TV I seem to be moving more also living in Waiuku means easy access to some great beaches. Also found the local squash club and have decided that I would love to have a game or two!

So really new year, new house - and lots of amazing stuff that I want to do!! I want to get out and meet some new people, try new things - generally start enjoying life instead of waiting for it to come to me.


Kate said...

Happy New Year!

Glad the new place is going so well, and I think 2007 is going to be a great year for you :-)

14pk said...

Waiuku is an awesome place, has character in more ways than one but its wonderful!!!

best move we ever made!!

YAY FOR 2007!!

Anonymous said...

Hope all is going well Bex! :o)