Saturday, January 13, 2007

I am still here!!!

It so sucks and I am going through witdrawal!!! I don't have normal access to the internet at the moment as we are waiting to be connected up so am having to use the mobile phone to sneak in whenever I can (and for as long as the frigging tempermental phone lets me!!!). I miss reading about what is happening with others - its like not being able to catch up on friends for awhile and have a good chat and I miss writing my thoughts and feelings about this topsy turvy journey we call weight loss. So quick update like a shapshot of today so I know where I was when I look back.

Lost 900grams in last two weeks, still a bit all over the place about WW, thinking about seeing a therapist to finally deal with the issues, changed hair colour, loving the new house and neighbourhood, getting nervous about first day as a REAL teacher.

1 comment:

Gothic Writer said...

Hi, Bex. hope you are doing all right... you know, I did the therapist, etc and all the diets and non-diets. None of that helped me long term. I now realize all those issues I had about eating were biochemical in nature. I wasn't nutty! I just had problems with endorphin levels and blood sugar. lol. I am still doing RR and am feeling so much better... I'm enjoying reading your blog...