Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Need a buddy

I have decided that I need to look elsewhere for support and a buddy in this weight loss journey. Jeff just doesn't get it and frankly I think he is sick to death of hearing oooohhh look at this diet, I will start tomorrow, OMG I am so fat blub blub blub!! And I don't blame him we have been together for about 10 years and for at least 7 of those I have been on diet. Now he kind of just shrugs and says 'whatever'. Not that he isn't supportive cause he really wants me to succeed I just think the food/diet/exercise talk is getting him down. So I am on the look out for a buddy.

Now my mother has been my buddy and has been supportive except that she has just about finished her journey (bitch!! just joking!!!) and I think it would be nice to have someone outside of the family. So how to find one - maybe advertise in the local paper. Wonder what that ad would look like:

Wanted: Someone who is into lard busting and likes long walks on the beach. Must bring own carrot sticks and diet coke

hehehehe I think the chocolate has gone to my head.


Lisa said...

My husband is exactly the same, although he has got so sick of my false starts that I just don't tell him when I'm "trying again"

Kate said...

Good luck for your interview :-)

I got so sick of posting on my blog, and saying to everyone that I was 'starting again' etc so I decided to change that. But you know the rest of that story.

A really good place to look is on the WW forums.. if you are into that kind of thing. I met one of my best friends Carla on there, she was advertising for a walking buddy :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey there :o)

I know what you mean about the boy thing... I'm sure they mean well, but they just don't 'get' it do they? Sigh.

Love your reasons for wanting to lose weight in the post below too. You will get there if you want it bad enough!

Hope you're having a great night!