Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What next???

Well I think I have identified a reason that I appear to be freaking out a little at the moment. I turned 29 on October 27 and ever since I have kind of felt in a little haze. Now I know 29 is not that old and 30 is the new 20 and all that but.... all my life I have had the 'by the time I am thirty......' and all my goals in life were geared up to happen by the time I was thirty - getting married, having children, buying a house, getting my degree and of course getting in shape. And now thirty is just around the corner and the only goal I haven't accomplished is the getting in shape so I think that I am scared that I won'taccomplish this one goal by next year - does that mean I will be fat for the rest of my life? Also what now that I have crossed most things off my list - what do I do now? I know that I need to come up with some new goals but I have been so focused on the ones to accomplish by the time I get to thirty that I haven't thought further ahead and I kind of feel empty.

I think 29 is the year that I need to close doors and find closure and get ready for a fresh 30 start but what happens after thirty - what is my fresh start?

1 comment:

14pk said...

dude make the 29th year yours!!!

grab it own it...and achieve what you've been wanting to do for ages..!!! i'm like that...my 26th year is going to be the making of me!!!